Saturday, December 27, 2008


dont you wonder sometimes when we were small kids we had so many many of them..why is the sky blue?why is fire yellow?how come we have to eat on and so forth!!and what is more is amazing is that all our questions were patiently answered, by our folks!!
but when we grew no one would actually answer us!and we dont expect them to answer as well.because we belive we are old enough to look for our answers. I mean there is a thrill now to have a question and even more thrilling when we try to find the most accurate answers to them. What is life without questions??i mean life itself is a question, a question whose answer is so complicated and horrifying that either we are way to scared to find the answer or we are just not bothered, if you mostly choose the later then your life is useless, but if you are scared-then its just normal.Human beings have this tendency to be afraid of the unknown.the journey of life is conquering our fears right???WRONG!! WE NEVER DO THAT PURPOSELY! we are just forced to do so!! say for example "i am afraid of eating rats!!"....NOW I WOULD NEVER DO THAT IN MY SENSES!! but say i am loast in a dessert and i have no other option but to eat a rat to live...and if given that choice,belive me my friend even a vegetarian would eat the rat leave alone me!!

See thats how life is we are forced to do things we dont want to do, and when we through doing it we are actually glad it happened!!
Life is the best teacher right???may be...but i kno it has method of teaching!
may be that how its meant to be.we human beings are way to to stubborn to stop without getting hurt!but once we get hurt we seldom do the same mistake!!
like the say nobody is perfect..neither is life!!but life is beautiful in its own special way.
it hurts and heals, it cuts and gives aid!! amazing....but just think if life had to heal..then why would it hurt you in the first place??may be you would say to teach us pain,may be you are right.
but isnt there ant other methods??
may be thats a question we all are in the quest to find the answer!!

and that my friend is the irony of life!!

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they said..